2022-11-5 更新日志


  1. 加入全新开火机制:轮射机制。对于 Sd.Kfz 7/1 以及 M42A1(扫除者) 的开火机制将得到优化。
  2. 爆炸机制优化,HE 改进溅射范围,撞击伤害优化。
  3. Mi-24 机动调整,变的更加灵活。


Update Note:

  1. Add new fire mechanic,Round Fire. It will improve the fire mechanic of Sd.Kfz 7/1 and M42A1.
  2. Improve the explosion formula. It will extend HE explosion range and improve ram damage.
  3. Improve the control of Mi-24

This is a force update unless you do not need to play multiplayer.


2022-10-30 更新日志


  1. 修复贴图类型的涂装无法正确显示
  2. 修复多人模式创建房间无法选择模组
  3. 弹种相关优化
    ● 伤害,穿深浮动默认系数从 0.75~1.25 改为 0.95 ~ 1.05 ,且加入到 Conf 数据中,方便玩家自定义配置
    ● AP,HE 弹 增加是否随距离衰减选项,AP 默认开启,对防空车的炮弹关闭。 HE 弹默认关闭。 随距离衰减系数从 0.1 改为 0.05
    ● 伤害的正态分布标准差调整
  4. 官方服务器炮弹校验失败问题已灰度发布服务器修复
  5. 内置模组下载器上新了 新的 BT-42 和一些语言包,当然,这些 Mod 是玩家做的

Update Note:

  1. Fix the texture type camouflage do not display properly
  2. Fix multiplayer mode creation room can not select mod
  3. Ammunition optimization
    ● The default range coefficient of damage and penetration has been changed from 0.751.25 to 0.951.05, and added to the battleConf.yaml file, which is convenient for players to customize configuration
    ● AP, HE shells Add the option of whether to decay with distance, AP is enabled by default, and shells to anti-aircraft vehicles are disabled. HE are also disabled by default. Decay factor with distance changed from 0.1 to 0.05
    ● Normal distribution standard deviation adjustment
  4. The problem of shell verification failure on the official server has been fixed on the grayscale publishing server
  5. New BT-42 and some voice packs have been added to the built-in mod downloader, of course, these mods are made by players


2022-10-23 更新日志


  1. 增加新载具:丘吉尔鳄鱼”喷火“型,KV-8,以及谢尔曼“喷火”型
  2. HEAT 弹削弱: 每穿过1mm间隙装甲,损失 3mm 的穿深。
  3. 移动端 OTA 输入优化,支持鼠标输入。
  4. 减少资源冗余,加快场景加载速度。
  5. 内置载具增加 LOD,减少渲染压力。

Update Note:

  1. New vehicles: Churchill Crocodile,KV-8,Sherman FlameThrower
  2. HEAT debuff. The HEAT penentration will lose every 3mm when penetrate 1mm intermittent armor.
  3. OTA input optimization for mobile mouse input.
  4. Improve asset loading speed
  5. Add LOD to improve performance
